The Euphrates is the longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western AsiaTogether with the Tigris, it is one of the two defining rivers of Mesopotamia (the "Land Between the Rivers"). Originating in Turkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf.

فرات بین النہرین (میسوپوٹیمیا) کو تشکیل دینے والے دو دریائوں میں سے ایک ہے، دوسرے دریا کا نام دجلہ ہے۔
فرات کا نام قدیم فارسی کے لفظ افراتو سے نکلا ہے 
دریائے فرات تقریباً دو ہزار 780 کلومیٹر (ایک ہزار730میل) طویل ہے۔ یہ دو شاخوں کارا (مغربی فرات) اور مراد (مشرقی فرات) سے مل کر تشکیل پاتا ہے۔ کارا موجودہ مشرقی ترکی میں ارضروم کے شمال میں آرمینیائی سطح مرتفع سے جبکہ مراد جھیل وان کے شمال میں کوہ ارارات کے جنوب مغرب سے نکلتا ہے۔ دریائے فرات کھائیوں اور گھاٹیوں میں سے ہوتا ہوا جنوب مشرقی شام سے عراق میں ابوکمال کے مقام پر داخل ہوتا ہے۔ خبور اور بلخ دریا مشرقی شام میں دریائے فرات میں گرتے ہیں۔ اس سے نیچے آتے ہوئے دریائے فرات میں کوئی مزید دریا نہیں گرتا۔ جنوبی عراق کے شہر بصرہ کے شمال میں دریائے فرات دریائے دجلہ میں گرتے ہوئے شط العرب نامی ڈیلٹا بناتا ہے اور دونوں دریا خلیج فارس میں گرتے ہیں۔ اس وسیع ڈیلٹا کے باعث یہ ایک بہت بڑے دلدلی علاقے کی صورت اختیار کرگیا ہے۔
 حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم کی چند احادیث میں دریائے فرات سونے کے خزانے یا پہاڑ کا ذکر کیا گیا ہے۔ 

Iraq could have no rivers by 2040, government report warns

Iraq's Tigris and Euphrates rivers could run dry by 2040 because of declining water levels and climate change, a government report said on Thursday.

Over the years, the construction of dams in upstream TurkeySyria and Iran has choked off some of the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates on which Iraq depends.

Climate change is contributing to temperatures increases and erratic rainfall, pushing the fear of water shortages in Iraq to new levels, it said.

“The rate of decline in water imports to Iraq has begun gradually and will decrease to 30 per cent by 2035,” the Ministry of Water Resources said.

The country’s water inflows during the summer are estimated to be about 40 billion cubic metres. A decrease in supply to 30 per cent of normal levels will result in Iraq receiving 11 billion cubic metres annually, the report said.

Iraq’s water consumption needs amount to 53 billion cubic metres annually, which means the deficit will increase to 80 per cent.

The country has been known as the land between the two rivers since the dawn of civilisation.

But the majority of the Iraq's water supply either originates from or passes through neighbouring states, which have limited its supplies over the years.

It has affected Iraq's agriculture and increased water pollution in most areas of the country.

Iraq’s growing population, mismanagement of water and climate change are also affecting Iraqis’ access to water.

Severe droughts will affect the country by 2025, the report said, with the Euphrates almost completely drying up towards the south, and the Tigris turning into a watercourse with limited resources.

“A strategic plan made by the Ministry of Water Resources identified measures to confront this deficit, which is the modernising and readjusting irrigation projects and systems, because the main consumer of water in Iraq is the agricultural sector,” said Aoun Diab, a ministry consultant.

The project must be implemented to “save and rationalise large amounts of water".

The cost of the project will amount to $50 billion to $70bn, which will take up to 2035 to complete to preserve the areas currently being cultivated, Mr Diab said.

However, the ministry does not have the financial resources to carry out this project, so a review will address the issue, he said.


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